A Summer School in Salzburg

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This summer, I was fortunate to be able to attend the summer school programme at the University of Salzburg, Austria. While I was fortunate enough to be selected amongst my peers, I was primarily interested in gaining insight and perspective to the different legal systems and its legal repercussions. Being interested to practice law at an international scale, I knew that it was important to appreciate and understand how different or similar societies work. Having studied law in third year, I was appreciative and hungry for opportunities which would allow me to compare different legal systems and this summer school presented the opportunity.

Indeed, the programme had surpassed my expectations and I have learnt to be much more open minded about the different legal systems. Though societies may differ in terms of its culture and language, however, these two weeks have allowed me to conclude that every society faces very similar legal problems and due to differences in perspective, they have adopted different legal solutions for them.

Though it was confusing to understand the minute differences between the 30 over legal systems, however, it has allowed me the opportunity to think more critically about the Scottish Legal system and how it may be advantageous or disadvantageous compared to other systems. In addition, it has certainly got me to think more about the area for future reform for the problems that we face in our legal system and how there might be other approaches that may be worthy of some consideration!

To top the experience off, we had the honour of hearing Lord Thomas, one of the justices at the Supreme court in England and Wales speak. As I hope to pursue a career in commercial law, his speech was truly inspiring and thought provoking as he thoughtfully reflected on his years of experience in managing Commercial law cases.

Every year since University has begun, I have always appreciated the summer holidays. While I still believe that learning is important in University, however, I believe that learning, in general, begins outside the confines of a classroom. This year, I am especially glad for the Principal Go Abroad Fund for funding this second to none opportunity, which enabled me to learn invaluable lessons that I may not have been otherwise been able to gain exposure to.

Admittedly, while I was excited for the summer school, I was worried that I would not be able to get along with others from our university and from other universities. However, having spent some time bonding with fellow students at our University, I got to better know students from our law program whom I did not previously know and bonded together!! In addition, the atmosphere at the summer school was very friendly as everyone from their respective countries mixed around and bonded quickly!!












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